One of the biggest differences between regular filter press cloths and tower press filter cloths is strength. As described above, the tower press filter cloth also works as a belt. It has to be strong enough to carry heavy cakes out from the filter and withstand being pressed deep into the supporting grids, over and over again.
The strength of the filter cloth also affects its tracking. If the fabric is not strong enough, it can deform over time and cause tracking problems. Eventually, this can lead to premature filter cloth damage.
To showcase how strong the tower press filter cloths are, let’s look at an example. The production of big tower press filters in mining concentrate applications is often 20 tonnes per cycle. On average, the filter cloth is in use for 6000 cycles. This means that during its lifetime, a filter cloth discharges 120 million kilos!
The filter cloth is an important component in all
tower press filters in the world.