User Support & Process Optimisation

  • Improve filter user’s competences
  • Achieve more reliable operation & higher output
  • Lower operating costs
  • Optimize any filtration process

Filter Service Solutions

We have more than 40 years of experience in solid-liquid separation. Our team of highly experienced filtration professionals offers full user support regarding filtration and filter service. We help you achieve more reliable operations with lower costs.

Filter support and filtration process

Onsite and Remote Filtration Support

A filter is stopped but you do not know why? Would you like to get to the bottom of the filter’s faults? Roxia filter experts are here to help. We do not focus only on the faults, but also do our best to discover the root causes for the issues and eliminate them once and for all. We have the means and highly trained professionals to help your either onsite or offer remote troubleshooting assistance.

Filtration Troubleshooting

Often it happens that a filter is reporting an alarm or even stops, but it does not report the reason for the fault. Filter can also underperform compared to its original specifications. That is where we step in. Our filter troubleshooting approach is:

  • Work together to define filter’s issues, visit to the site (if necessary)
  • Remote monitoring and data analytics (if possible)
  • Experienced professionals offer expert advice
  • Compare filter’s performance to other similar filters based on our extensive knowledge

Additional Training

When staff, equipment or process changes, additional training is necessary to bring everyone up-to-date. Especially if your filter has just undergone an expansion or a modernisation. We organise seminars for your staff and talk about in-depth filter issues, safety, how to approach and solve them, suitable filtration maintenance and much more. Contact us for more information on training.

Process Optimisation for Any Industrial Filter

Any kind of slurry comes from nature. And we know that nature is full of variations which means the ore and consequently slurry consistency varies. For this reason, filtration characteristics and settings should be revised fairly often to keep the filtration to the optimum.

Optimize Your Solid-Liquid Separation Process

To improve process performance, filter parameters and operation of auxiliary equipment should be checked. To make an informed decision, we always collect the necessary data and get an accurate insight into filtration parameters.

There are two different ways:

Laboratory-scale filtration testing: either in laboratory or onsite with a small-scale filter test unit

Full-scale filter optimisation: run the test programme onsite with the actual production unit

In both cases we analyse:


Cake moisture


We closely check the filter’s parameters:

Feed time & pressure

Air drying time & pressure

Pressing time & pressure

Our filtration team uses different small-scale filter test units for their work. They simulate the operation of the full-size industrial filter and ensure reliable results. Another advantage of using test units is that it does not interrupt production in any way. After such filtration tests we define optimal filtration parameters for your process and apply them to the actual production filter. That is how we help you improve performance and positively affect your results.

Process Optimisation with Roxia Smart Filtration

With our new, top-of-the-line process analysis tool, Smart Filtration, we can easily optimize any filtration process. The aim is to optimize filtration performance and deliver best possible solution with the help of AIoT – Artificial Intelligence of Things.

We connect the filters to the Roxia Malibu online portal and enable remote monitoring of performance. With Smart Filtration, operators can optimize filtration process, increase production volume and detect failures before they even occur. All that can be done from anywhere with any computer, smartphone or other handheld device with internet connection.

Full Data Protection & No DCS Integration Needed

Smart Filtration is secured by SSL/TLS encryption – the same technology used in internet banking. Hardware based Virtual Private Network (VPN) and physical firewall isolate filter PLC from public network. Roxia is using its own internet connection to send the data to the cloud. Roxia Smart Cube is configured as a read-only system, so Smart Filtration tool cannot affect the filtration process in any way. No DCS (Distributed Control System) integration is needed, but it can be arranged upon request.

Let’s talk and find the best solution for your business!

  • Select your location

  • Select field

Contact us

If you have something on your mind, just let us know! We are more than happy to answer all your inquiries.


Kauko Tanninen

Sales Partner Central Asia

+7 985 226 1491

Retha Schoeman

Sales Engineer Sub Saharan Africa and South Africa

+27 83 825 6805

Dan Stenglein

Sales Director North America

+1 667 500-2591

Sebastian Alcaino

Regional Sales Director South and Central America


Ronald Gaspar

Service Manager South and Central America

+51 9 7973 5424

Roberto Cano

Sales Manager South and Central America

+51 9726 62005

Sun Lin

Area Sales Manager, General Manager China

+86 21 52679628

Roope Kupias

Area Sales Manager, Finland

+358 40 860 4720

James Babbe

Sales Central Europe/ Managing Director, AquaChem GmbH

Thorsten Zogalla

Area Sales Manager SFP Filters, Central Europe

+49 7307 92170 116

Klaus Göde

Service Engineer, Central Europe

+49 (0) 162 408 88 58

Ian Mayhew

Filter Spares Sales and Service Manager North America

+1 667 668 0006

Markus Saloniemi

Director, Industrial Automation

+358 40 571 9520

Goran Metiljevic

Product Manager, Powerflo Solutions

+61 2 8005 2131

Petteri Taavitsainen

Sales Director, Scandinavia, Baltics, Turkey, Middle East, India, Japan, Australia & Oceania
