Roxia Makes Filtration Process Easy-to-Read
Like many other filtration plants, Terrafame’s filter operators faced a common problem: detailed information about tower press filters’ performance was only accessible on the screens mounted on individual filter control units. Usually, the performance information is limited to only overall production. It is hard to find out how individual filters are doing and even harder to check phases of each filtration cycle. The control room is crowded with screens and data in SCADA is presented with complex graphs. It is extremely difficult and time consuming to get an idea about filter’s performance. That is where the Roxia Smart Filtration stepped in.
All data is now represented in a user-friendly way, clear and easy for anyone to understand. The 3D environment model replicates how the plant really looks like, so it is easy to navigate and see what is going on in different parts of the process. The Roxia system even monitors infeed characteristics and shows performance of the auxiliaries like slurry pumps, tanks and compressed air which are crucial parts in filter’s cycle.