Polar-Automaatio Is Now a Part of Roxia

Polar-Automaatio’s parent company Flowrox successfully completed the sale of its valve- and pump businesses to Neles. Flowrox company rebranded to Roxia. At the same time also Polar-Automaatio’s name changed to Roxia Automation Oy.

Polar-Automaatio Is Now a Part of Roxia

What Changed?
The name of Polar-Automaatio Oy changed to Roxia Automation Oy. Business ID’s, VAT numbers and such remain the same. Email suffix changed from @polar-automaatio.fi to @roxia.com. You can find more information on www.roxia.com

The Origin of Roxia
Roxia is a family-owned global company headquartered in Finland. Rox in the name relates to the owners’ long business history. It has been always integrated into their company names from 1974 until today. Ia refers to industrial automation, one of the three business areas. Finally, the ox presents the oxidation phenomenon in the flagship product of the environmental technologies.

Performance — driven by people

Roxia’s purpose is to combine the know-how and the best technologies for the customers. Customer service is in our DNA. By working together, we provide solutions and help companies to improve performance.

We offer our support from subsidiaries in Australia, Chile, China, Finland, Germany, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Sweden and the United States along with our representative network.

We are looking forward to continuing to support your business.

Read the press release HERE (Flowrox Company Rebrands to Roxia).

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Kauko Tanninen

Sales Partner Central Asia

+7 985 226 1491

Retha Schoeman

Sales Engineer Sub Saharan Africa and South Africa

+27 83 825 6805

Dan Stenglein

Sales Director North America

+1 667 500-2591

Sebastian Alcaino

Regional Sales Director South and Central America


Ronald Gaspar

Service Manager South and Central America

+51 9 7973 5424

Roberto Cano

Sales Manager South and Central America

+51 9726 62005

Sun Lin

Area Sales Manager, General Manager China

+86 21 52679628

Roope Kupias

Area Sales Manager, Finland

+358 40 860 4720

James Babbe

Sales Central Europe/ Managing Director, AquaChem GmbH

Thorsten Zogalla

Area Sales Manager SFP Filters, Central Europe

+49 7307 92170 116

Klaus Göde

Service Engineer, Central Europe

+49 (0) 162 408 88 58

Ian Mayhew

Filter Spares Sales and Service Manager North America

+1 667 668 0006

Markus Saloniemi

Director, Industrial Automation

+358 40 571 9520

Goran Metiljevic

Product Manager, Powerflo Solutions

+61 2 8005 2131

Petteri Taavitsainen

Sales Director, Scandinavia, Baltics, Turkey, Middle East, India, Japan, Australia & Oceania
